Back in 2014, two very close friends, a Kiwi & Thai are Rock Climbing one hour north of Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand. A crag at the foot of a little town of 500 locals called Mae-On at a Rock Climbing area is called Crazy Horse. Named after a natural feature of rock, 50m high up & about 12m long. It looks very horse-like with 2 crazy ears that stick up and can be seen for miles across.

On day 3 of the climbing adventure the couple got lost trying to make it back from the climbing crag. Bamboo forests are usually fine, at least until dusk & night when the snakes & mosquitos come out and the inch long fire ants & crazy spiders don’t leave you alone. After 3-4 hours of searching for the tracks things were getting serious. Without phone reception there was less than 20 minutes of light remaining. If the track is not found before then, it would be a scary night in a bamboo jungle!

With a one-last-chance ridge and a clearing, they could finally see it! Not the track, but the head and in particular the ears of Crazy Horse! Finally heading in the right direction, the path was found and they made it safely back to the entrance of the jungle. Thank you Crazy Horse! 🙂

These two friends, Jules and Jummi didn’t know it at the time, but 3 years later were to find another challenge, that of buying the Iconic Thai Orchid & recently, little brother Restaurant, what better named, Crazy Horse! 🙂

The corner of Hills & Shirley Road was once the site of one of the first & famous Engineering businesses in Christchurch. Over 120 years ago there was a large brick building in the car park area called Hammersley Engineering. In 1896# workers came from all directions, a lot by horse back to work and some staying in a housing complex across the stream.

This housing complex got developed and became the office block for the Hammersley Engineering. While the Workshop got demolished and transformed into the current car park & shopping block some 50 years ago, the Office got an upgrade 30 years ago and turned into the famous ‘Hammersleys Bar’. 14 years ago new owners came with the Thai influence into Hammersley Thai, then more recently renaming to ErawanThai.

Wanting to celebrate the great history of Hammersleys, we are bringing back the name:


We hope you find yourselves at Crazy Horse Hammersley many times and share your life adventures, history & future with us. Enjoy great food with a great feeling!

Khob kun from Team Crazy! 🙂